Collection view which takes another collection as source.
Public MustInherit Class C1WrapCollectionView
(Of As Class,
As Class)
Inherits C1CollectionViewBase(Of T)
Implements ICollectionView(Of T), ISupportAsyncLoading(Of T), ISupportCurrency, ISupportEditing, ISupportFiltering, ISupportGrouping, ISupportIncrementalLoading, ISupportPaging, ISupportRefreshing, ISupportSorting
public abstract class C1WrapCollectionView<,> : C1CollectionViewBase<T>, ICollectionView<T>, ISupportAsyncLoading<T>, ISupportCurrency, ISupportEditing, ISupportFiltering, ISupportGrouping, ISupportIncrementalLoading, ISupportPaging, ISupportRefreshing, ISupportSorting
where S: class
where T: class
Type Parameters
- S
- The type of the items in the source collection.
- T
- The type of the items in the collection view.
Inheritance Hierarchy
See Also